Friday, March 21, 2014

40 weeks old

Isla is 40 weeks old today! She is such a happy girl! 

Top tooth!

Isla is getting one of her top teeth! She has her two bottoms and this is her first top tooth coming in. She hasn't even been upset about it! She is 9 months and 1 week! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Standing using the couch

Isla decided today she can stand if we set her hands against the couch! She stood up holding the couch for a good minute today! She just turned 9 months old yesterday. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

9 months old

Isla is 9 months old today! She doesn't have a doctors appointment for a few weeks, so we took her monthly measurements at home. She is 29.75 inches long and weighs 21 lbs 4 oz. She gained 1.25 inches and 1 lb 7 oz since last month. She loves solid foods and talks up a storm! She crawls backwards only and rolls around like a champ. She is such a happy girl with such an amazing personality! 

39 weeks old

Isla is 39 weeks old today! It is also her 9 month birthday! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

38 weeks old

Isla is 38 weeks old today! She wasn't in the mood for photos today! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

37 weeks old

Isla was 37 weeks old last week! Because I was in the hospital, I missed taking her photo. I missed her so much while I was gone!