Saturday, January 17, 2015

18 month doctors appointment

We have been so busy and I just realized I forgot to post Isla's 18 month doc appt update! Yikes I am a month late! Anyway... Isla is a firecracker!! She is starting to get scared when we walk into the doctor because she knows it's not a fun time! She weighed 25 lbs 14 oz and was 33.5 inches tall. In the past 3 months she gained 7 oz and .5 inch. She was sick for a week prior to the appt and wasn't eating well so her weight was down. Now at 19 months she weighs 28.2 lbs! The doctor said she was very advanced verbally and is a gifted girl! She has so many words but her current favorite is "whoops" and "abba-dodo"!